Loyalty Program and Promotions

At IGMC, we value our customers and we always

look forward to creating a better relationship between us by finding beneficial ways we both can continue

working together in harmony.

We have organized a few loyalty plans for our long term customers and our new customers who would like to work hand in hand with us. Every good relationship starts with a trusting step and in order to create that, the plans listed in this category would help us achieve a symbiotic relationship between us and our clients who have been registered with us.

Share and Shear

SHARE our social media links or give us a shout out and SHEAR off 0.5% on your next minimum purchase.

How it works:

In order to enjoy this program, our clients have to share our links or give us a special shout out on their social networks at least 5 times before their next buy, to be able to get a 0.5% discount on their next sale that amounts  $15,000  or more.

Get more for the same:

Buy 1000 supplies and receive 5 % more for  free.

How it works:

Purchase a 1000 of the same medical supplies and receive 5 % more of the same supply free.

Free expedited shipment

How it works:

Make 5 orders or more in a period of 3 months for all your medical supplies in orders of $ 10,000 or more each one and we’d offer you a free expedited shipment to your door step on the 5th order.


Order with us continuously and get a free expedited shipment on your 5th mayor purchase.

Clearance for me!

Receive a special offer at the end of the year.

How it works:

At the end of each year, we offer our most loyal clients a special bargain on any purchase of their choice.

2 way loyal plan

Extended payment plan for purchases over $50,000

How it works:

Loyal buyers, who spend over $50,000 or more,  can now pay in advance through our layaway program in 2 different parts for the items purchased.


Inside information on special products and bargain for all products purchased.

How it works:

Our loyal customers that reach a minimum amount of orders of $100,000 or more in a period of one year  will get first look at all our new products, discounts, new stock and we give them the opportunity to private bargain sales and promotional discounts for all purchases.


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